Master thesis: Computer vision and AI in medicine

Mr Dejan Babic, a young researcher from UDG, just defended his Master thesis on the use of computer vision and artificial intelligence in medicine. This is a great example of using ICT for vertical priority domains of Monteengrin S3. This research was supported in part by HPC4S3ME project and EUROCC. Mr Babic intends to continue his research in this domain and to enroll PhD program at the UDG. Mr Babic explored the use of different tools for ML and he also experimened with the use of HPC for training prediction models that can be used in medicine. He was one of the first MSc theses defended from the Artificial Intelligence Master program created under the EuroCC project.

ABSTRACT – Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we live, work, and communicate with the world. The proliferation of data has been the biggest driver of AI in recent years. AI in medicine is rapidly developing and holds great potential in revolutionizing healthcare systems. Its application is already producing promising results in disease detection, diagnosis and drug discovery. AI is widely used in medical facilities worldwide as a decision support tool for patient diagnosis. It is expected to bring significant benefits to healthcare sector. In this thesis, the focus is on the application of artificial intelligence and computer vision in solving real medical problems. The research is both theoretical and empirical and focuses on the application of artificial intelligence and computer vision in the detection of pneumonia, segmentation of blood vessels in the retina, and estimation of cardiovascular risk. The main goal of the research is to achieve the highest possible accuracy in specific cases and approaches, in order for these approaches to be considered applicable in medicine. Throughout the study, some of the ethical issues related to the use of this technology were also raised. At the end of the study, the results, potential challenges, and future directions of this research were discussed.

Computer vision and artificial intelligence in medicine
Segmentation of blood vessels in images of retina

Master thesis: The use of Artificial Intelligence on Edge (Edge AI)

Mr Ivan Jovovic, a young researcher from UDG, just defended his Master thesis on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learining on edge devices. This research was supported in part by HPC4S3ME project and EUROCC. His thesis included some great examples of AI applications in digital agriculture. Mr Jovovic intends to continue his research in this domain and to enroll PhD program at the UDG. Mr Jovovic explored the use of different tools for ML and he also experimened with the use of HPC for training prediction models that can be ported onto edge devices. He was one of the first MSc theses defended from the Artificial Intelligence Master program created under the EuroCC project.

ABSTRACT – This thesis explores the combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and edge computing in modern applications, with a special focus on medicine and agriculture. The paper first introduces the reader to the basic terms and definitions of machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, the Internet of Things and Edge computing. After the theoretical basis, the work provides an insight into the practical applications of these technologies in medicine and agriculture, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of their applications. In the following, the paper offers a detailed study of practical examples of edge artificial intelligence in agriculture and healthcare, as well as artificial intelligence in the field of medicine, with focus on disease classification. Through the realization and implementation of these projects, the interpretation of the results and the discussion, the paper emphasizes the importance of the integration of artificial intelligence and edge computing in various industries.

Master thesis: The use of Artificial Intelligence on Edge (Edge AI)

Young researchers from HPC4S3ME submitted papers to MEDICON’23

Young researches from UDG and HPC4S3ME submitted their papers to the 16th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON’23) on topic of application of Artificial Intelligence in medicine. Conference is going to be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from September 14th to September 16th.

MEDICON’23 and CMBEBIH’23 is going to be held from 14th to 16th September

HPC4S3ME featured at the EDCON2023 conference

University of Donja Gorica presented HPC4S3ME project at our stand at EDCON2023 conference fair. Our researchers had an opportunity to talk to visitors and conference attendees. There was between 1500 and 2000 attendees today at VOCO complex in Podgorica Montenegro.

UDG stand during the second day of the conference
HPC4S3ME project was featured on UDG stand on 19 May 2023
UDG team had a chance to meet with visitors from all over the globe

EDCON (Community Ethereum Development Conference ) is a non-profit annual global Ethereum conference that happens once a year in different countries (EDCON 2017 in Paris, 2018 in Toronto, 2019 in Sydney, 2020-2021 Online, 2022 in San Francisco at Chase Center). It is mainly committed to serving the Ethereum ecosystem in boosting the communication and interaction of Ethereum communities worldwide. Link:

EDCON2023 takes place in Podgorica, Montenegro

Mr. Vitalik Buterin (founder of Ethereum) showed up in Montenegrin traditional attire
No empty seats during Vitalik’s speech

World Telecomunication and Information Society Day

On World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, prof. Dr. Tomo Popović was invited to participate in the morning TV program on national television RTCG hosted by Ms. Andrea Sekularac. The discussion was about the current state of ICT in Montenegro, digital divide in Montenegro and throughout the world. The very important issue of education and capacity building necessary to address the challenges of digitization was also discussed. During the discussion, important issues of digital transformation, IT megatrends, and especially challenges related to artificial intelligence were touched upon.

prof. Popovic as a guest to morning show on national TV
RTCG program “Dobro jutro” hosted by Ms. Andrea Šekularac
We discussed education and capacity building needed for digitalization

Enterprise Europe Network WB++ Networking event

University of Donja Gorica participated in the Enterprise Europe Network workshop called WB++ Networking Event. The topic of the event was “Digitalization in Agri-Food. The main participants were teams and SMEs active in the field of IT from the region as presenters, and the target audience was interest groups including public entities, companies, research groups, individuals, etc.

WB++ Netweorking Event by EEN
Around 45 attendees were in the event

The WB++ event is a joint initiative of partners from the countries of the Western Balkans (+Slovenia +Croatia) with the aim of connecting companies and strengthening partnerships and connections in the region. There was over 40 attendees at the networking event and UDG presented several projects related to digitalization in agri-food sector. HPC4S3ME was also featured in the presentation.

UDG presented project related to digitalization in agri-food
HPC4S3ME was featured in the presentation

The Enterprise Europe Network consists of almost 600 partner organizations and institutions, provides excellent contacts and links in 54 countries and connects over 3,000 experts in different fields at the local and international level. Through the FINNO platform, free consulting services are offered for sources of financing for innovation, business internationalization and business growth.

HPC4S3ME presented on InnovateYourFuture workshop

A very successful two-day workshop for students and industry took place on April 22nd and 23rd 2023, on which young researches from HPC4S3ME gave lectures. The workshop was organized in the context of the training project called “Competency Training for IoT and AI – InnovateYourFuture” supported by ANSO – Alliance of International Science Organizations, China. The organization is done in collaboration with EuroCC Montenegro and Montenegrin AI Association. During the event, UDG also presented HPC4S3ME project, as well as some of other projects currently implemented at UDG.

ML and IoT in agriculture
ML/AI in medicine
ANSO InnovateYourFuture Workshop on 22-23 April 2023
Lecture on ML and Data preparation

AI: UNESCO calls for Global Ethical Framework

Following calls by over 1000 tech workers this week for a pause in the training of the most powerful AI systems, including Chat GPT, UNESCO calls on countries to fully implement its Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence immediately. This global normative framework, adopted unanimously by the 193 Member States of the Organization, provides all the necessary safeguards. Read more at: link.

Tech experts raise petition to halt Artificial Intelligence development

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and other well-known high-tech figures and industry leaders have signed an open letter requesting that the Artificial Intelligence industry take a six-month break to allow for the development of safety protocols for the technology.

AI is surpassing human performance in many domains and tasks

The Future of Life Institute, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to “steering transformative technologies away from extreme, large-scale risks and towards benefiting life,” drafted the letter, which as of early Thursday had been signed by nearly 1,400 people. The group acknowledged that AI technology is quickly advancing and that it has surpassed human performance in many domains in the letter. The letter cites the GPT-4 program, created by San Francisco-based OpenAI, as a cause for alarm in light of its recent introduction. Read more at Peoples Gazette: link.