HPC4S3.ME project presented at the ANSO InnovateYourFuture Workshop

HPC4S3.ME project was presented and featured at the ANSO InnovateYourFuture Workshop organized by UDG and supported by Alliance of International Science Organizations ANSO. This was a part of cross-project collaboration with ANSO InnovateYourFuture project that focuses on Competency traininjg in IoT and AI. The presentation was given by prof. Tomo Popovic, Stevan Cakic, and Dejan Babic, on 18 Nov 2023. There was around 60 attendees in the audience, mainly youg researchers interested in AI applications.

Presenters discussed the objectives of the project, described HPC lab implemented through the project, and explained priority domains of Montenegrin S3 and how IoT/AI and HPC can be utilised to develop and innovate. These application domains include agriculture and food value chain, health and tourism, and energy sectors.

HPC4S3.ME was featured at the ANSO Workshop on 18 Nov 2023.
Around 60 young researchers were attending the workshop
The presentation included considerations how HPC and AI cen help Montenegrin S3
This event was a parto of Workshop Series organized bz UDG and ANSO