HPC4S3.ME project was presented and featured at the ANSO InnovateYourFuture Workshop organized by UDG and supported by Alliance of International Science Organizations ANSO. This was a part of cross-project collaboration with ANSO InnovateYourFuture project that focuses on Competency traininjg in IoT and AI. The presentation was given by prof. Tomo Popovic, Stevan Cakic, and Dejan Babic, on 18 Nov 2023. There was around 60 attendees in the audience, mainly youg researchers interested in AI applications.
Presenters discussed the objectives of the project, described HPC lab implemented through the project, and explained priority domains of Montenegrin S3 and how IoT/AI and HPC can be utilised to develop and innovate. These application domains include agriculture and food value chain, health and tourism, and energy sectors.
HPC4S3.ME was featured at the ANSO Workshop on 18 Nov 2023.Around 60 young researchers were attending the workshopThe presentation included considerations how HPC and AI cen help Montenegrin S3This event was a parto of Workshop Series organized bz UDG and ANSO
During three-week stay at the University of Barcelona, he worked on establishing cooperation and networking with a team of researchers. He presented his work and doctoral research at their weekly seminars, as well as participation in lectures and seminars on artificial intelligence. A particularly important aspect of his stay was working at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where Stevan acquired new skills and met another group of researchers. This stay advanced Stevan’s research abilities and also opened new opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of artificial intelligence. His mentor during this stay was Petia Radeva, from Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Mobility was funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of Montenegro.
Stevan Cakic at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (UB)Stevan presented his PhD research
At the University of Donja Gorica, the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies has commenced the implementation of the project “Application of Computer Vision and Deep Learning in Agriculture and Food Production, Medicine, and Energy (AI4S3).” The project is funded within the program to promote the development of an innovation culture and organize education in the fields of smart specialization in Montenegro by the Innovation Fund (https://fondzainovacije.me/).
The implementation of AI4S3 has started
On September 28th, as part of the 9th Festival of Science and Innovation, we had the opportunity to present our plans for the project’s implementation. The key idea of the project is to bring the application of artificial intelligence closer to the S3 sectors, which represent one of the key strategies for digitization in agriculture and supply chain, medicine, tourism, and energy sectors.
Over 65 candidates applied for the training
As previously announced, on September 30th, we organized an entrance test and questionnaire for all applicants. More than 65 candidates took the entrance test and questionnaire, and after analyzing the results, we selected more than 40 of them who will undergo training over the next 2 months.
The training is supported by the Innovation fund of Montenegro
Additionally, on October 7th, we began conducting lectures, starting with Python programming language, which forms the foundation for further training and the development of artificial intelligence models through upcoming modules. This training is a continuation of previous NCC Montenegro and Open Mind Academy efforts. HPC4S3 researchers are providing are taking an active role in the implementation of the training.
Congratulations to everyone, and we look forward to collaborating with all our participants.
After the physical installaion, we performed system software installation including operating system (Oracle Linux 9) and hardware drivers for GPUs (nVidia T4). This was the next stage of the in-house lab equipment validation. Young researchers have got their user accounts and they can start migrating their projects from their local setups (laptops, Google Colab) and rented HPC resources.
Rack cabinet cotaining computing nodes and UPSInstallation of the operatying system and hardware drivers
Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies (UDG), with the support of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro as part of the program to encourage the development of innovation culture and the organization of education in the areas of expertise in Montenegro, organizes a three-month training called “AI4S3 – Application of computer vision and deep learning in agriculture and food production, medicine and energy” which will be held in the period from the beginning of October to the end of December 2023. The HPC4S3ME team members will participate as trainers in this 3-month education project sponsored by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro. More info is available at NCC Monteengro website at the following link.
AI4S3 – Computer vision for applications in S3 monteengro (3-month training)
EuroHPC JU organizes a virtual event “Information Day on AI and Supercomputers. This three-hours virtual event will take place on September 26th, 9:30 – 12:30 CEST. The virtual event will discuss:
how EuroHPC JU supercomputers can be used for AI applications,
the access possibilities to these supercomputers,
the current and upcoming AI related calls and activities,
the support possibilities of EuroCC national competence centres
examples of numerous success stories that used many of the possibilities provided by EuroHPC JU.
Interested participants can register to the event at the following link.
Zoja spent 17 days at Arizona State University as an attendee of the Sustainable and Innovative Solutions Summer program. During the visit, she had the opportunity to participate in classes and learn more about sustainability and innovations, as well as to network with other participants and professors. As additional activities, she visited the Virtual Reality Classroom, Innovation Center, and Downtown Campus. Furthermore, she visited the ASU Decision Theater, which utilizes advanced technology and HPC to aid in collaborative decision-making, research, and visualization. For her final group project, she presented the possibility of the usage of Artificial Intelligence for an improved education system.
Our team members will participate in the joint event CMBEBIH & MEDICON 2023 Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH). Several young researchers submitted their research results and conference papers for presentation at the MEDICON conference. The focus of these research papers is applying AI to different problems in health and medicine domain. The current version of the conference program is available at the following link.
The joint event will take place in Sarajevo in Sep 2023
Ms Elda Kalac defended her BSc hesis on artificial inteligence and big data analytics. In her thesis, she covered the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning, introduced some basic algorithms and provided discussion on big data and aplicability of AI to big data analysis.
ABSTRACT – This thesis explores the topic of artificial intelligence and big data analytics. The purpose of the study is to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the concepts of artificial intelligence and big data analytics, and to investigate their mutual interaction. The research methodology includes the selection of appropriate methods and algorithms for analyzing big data, description of the data used in the study, and planning of experiments and performance evaluation. Additionally, examples of artificial intelligence algorithms applied in big data analytics are presented. Through the analysis and interpretation of results, the implications of these techniques for enhancing data understanding and making informed decisions are discussed. The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research and proposes avenues for further exploration. This work provides a foundation for further research in the field of artificial intelligence and big data analytics.
Artificial intelligence and big data analytics (18.07.2023)
On 18.07.2023, mr Elvis Taruh, a student from UDG presented his BSc thesis on the use of artificial intelligence in video games. His thesis gave an introduction to AI and alrogirthms that are used in games. Besides theorethical background, the thesis included a presentation of practical implementation of several simle video games programmed by the candidate.
ABSTRACT – The paper investigates the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in video games and its impact on the player’s experience. Basic concepts of AI are studied, as well as various methods of applying AI in games, including character management, combat algorithms, pathfinding algorithms, and mission and scenario generation. Ethical aspects of the application of AI in video games are also analyzed, including the impact on social interactions, detection and prevention of cheating, and the development and use of AI in the game industry. Through this paper, the importance of AI in improving the gaming experience is emphasized, but also questions about ethics and challenges faced by players while playing games are also raised. All the aforementioned analyzes provide the paper with an insight into the current state and future possibilities of the application of AI in video games.
Mr Elvis Taruh presented his BSc thesis on AI and video games programming on 18.07.2023