Two mobilities implemented at DunavNET (Serbia)

During November, two UDG researchers implemented a month long mobility at DunavNET as part of the TRACEWINDU MSCA H2020 project. Mr Ivan Jovovic and mr Dejan Babic, PhD students, engaged in productive discussions with DunavNET’s expert team members. The focus was on evaluating blockchain frameworks to identify the most suitable structure for ensuring transparent and secure wine traceability. They also analyzed data model requirements, highlighting the importance of data integrity and accessibility for tracking wine from production to consumption. During their stay, they went through a training on the utilisation of various AI tools and resource management on Azure platforms. An idea that will be pursued in their future research would be creation and use of chatbots for engagement of stakeholders. More on the TRACEWINDU project can be seen at the following link.

Two young researcher mobilities implemented through cross-pollination with TRACEWINDU project