Mr Ivan Jovovic presented his research paper “Liver Diseases Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms” on a joint event CMBEBIH & MEDICON 2023 which held place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from September 14th to September 16th. The research aims to show how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help predict liver diseases based on the patient’s parameters.

ABSTRACT – This study aims to show how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help predict liver diseases based on the patient’s parameters. The focus is to provide a reliable and accurate tool to support healthcare professionals in decision making process. Alongside dataset preparation and feature engineering, three well known machine learning algorithms (ML) were used to achieve this goal: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and XGBoost (XGB), alongside with simple Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The best-performing model was SVM, with an average precision of 88%, outcome that is comparable to the accuracy obtained in the studies analyzed in this paper, but with a slightly different approach, especially in dataset preparation.