Tech experts raise petition to halt Artificial Intelligence development

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and other well-known high-tech figures and industry leaders have signed an open letter requesting that the Artificial Intelligence industry take a six-month break to allow for the development of safety protocols for the technology.

AI is surpassing human performance in many domains and tasks

The Future of Life Institute, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to “steering transformative technologies away from extreme, large-scale risks and towards benefiting life,” drafted the letter, which as of early Thursday had been signed by nearly 1,400 people. The group acknowledged that AI technology is quickly advancing and that it has surpassed human performance in many domains in the letter. The letter cites the GPT-4 program, created by San Francisco-based OpenAI, as a cause for alarm in light of its recent introduction. Read more at Peoples Gazette: link.