
Overall objective

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to straightening research excellence by building scientific and innovation capacity based on the use of high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) for research and development aiming applications in priority domains proposed by the Smart Specialisation Strategy (2019-2024) for Montenegro.

HPC4S3ME engages young researchers, particularly women, to use HPC/AI for research in S3 domains

The goal of HPC4S3ME project is to provide a state-of-the-art environment for young researchers to gain experience in research and development in computer science, more specifically to apply machine learning and deep learning algorithms supported by HPC in order to create innovative ICT solutions for agriculture and food value chain, health and tourism, energy and sustainable environment. While the project will focus on building capacity in HPC and AI, major trends in ICT domain that is recognised as a horizontal priority in Montenegrin smart specialisation strategy, the research and development will focus on interdisciplinary approach and demonstrate HPC/AI use in industrial domains recognised as vertical priorities of the specialisation.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project have been identified as:

  • Establish an in-house lab for HPC and AI that will complement and strengthen the existing research and development facilities at the university;
  • Engage young researchers, particularly young women, to participate in research and innovation in applied computer science targeting priority sectors identified in the smart specialisation strategy for Montenegro;
  • Use the HPC/AI laboratory to execute machine learning experiments and implement pilots of innovative solutions in priority sectors defined in the smart specialisation strategy; build upon the results of previous and existing projects realized at the university;
  • Develop partnership and cross-project collaboration in order to improve the link between academia and industry on the basis of the Montenegrin S3 smart specialisation strategy; creation of new project proposals;
  • Boost research and development and innovation capacity of the university and researchers involved in the project; publish results at relevant and respectable scientific conferences and in scientific journals
Overview of the Montenegrin S3 platform