
Zoja Scekic, Arizona State University, USA, June 2023

Zoja spent 17 days at Arizona State University as an attendee of the Sustainable and Innovative Solutions Summer program. During the visit, she had the opportunity to participate in classes and learn more about sustainability and innovations, as well as to network with other participants and professors. As additional activities, she visited the Virtual Reality Classroom, Innovation Center, and Downtown Campus. Furthermore, she visited the ASU Decision Theater, which utilizes advanced technology and HPC to aid in collaborative decision-making, research, and visualization. For her final group project, she presented the possibility of the usage of Artificial Intelligence for an improved education system.

UDG students at ASU summer school

Stevan Cakic, University of Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2023

During three-week stay at the University of Barcelona, he worked on establishing cooperation and networking with a team of researchers. He presented his work and doctoral research at their weekly seminars, as well as participation in lectures and seminars on artificial intelligence. A particularly important aspect of his stay was working at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where Stevan acquired new skills and met another group of researchers. This stay advanced Stevan’s research abilities and also opened new opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of artificial intelligence. His mentor during this stay was Petia Radeva, from Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Mobility was funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of Montenegro.

Stevan Cakic implemented mobility at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Stevan gave a presentation to the Barcelona team on his PhD research

Arnad Lekic, Beijing Institute of Tecnology, China, July 2024

Mr Arnad Lekic was among the undergraduate and master’s students from the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies had the opportunity, through the University of Donja Gorica, to attend the “Study in BIT” summer school in Beijing, as part of an international summer program at the prestigious Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).

UDG students took part in the Summer School in Bejing

Ivan Jovovic, DunavNET, Serbia, November 2024

During November, two UDG researchers implemented a month long mobility at DunavNET as part of the TRACEWINDU MSCA H2020 project. Mr Ivan Jovovic and mr Dejan Babic, PhD students, engaged in productive discussions with DunavNET’s expert team members. The focus was on evaluating blockchain frameworks to identify the most suitable structure for ensuring transparent and secure wine traceability.

Ivan Jovovic and Dejan Babic with DNET researchers

Dejan Babic, DunavNET, Serbia, November 2024

During November, two UDG researchers implemented a month long mobility at DunavNET as part of the TRACEWINDU MSCA H2020 project. Mr Ivan Jovovic and mr Dejan Babic, PhD students, engaged in productive discussions with DunavNET’s expert team members. The focus was on evaluating blockchain frameworks to identify the most suitable structure for ensuring transparent and secure wine traceability.